Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Wonderful Washington Wedding

So, last weekend I found myself driving off of the I405 in Kirkland to find my lovely friend's wedding. I drove through a pasture of green, bordered by trees from "Little House on The Prairie." I was shocked again to find another secret spot. I had no idea that this beautiful place even existed. The wedding was held at this place called "Hollywood School House" It was as though I went back in time. The smell of the old wood and the fragility of the furniture encumbered my imagination. The wedding was stunning mainly because of the smiles on everyones faces but, also because of the location and the flowers. If you are thinking of taking a day trip down to seattle,or finding a wedding location, check out this place. Oh, did I forget to mention the winery that is there? OOPS! Seriously, make a day of it.....

Monday, August 17, 2009

Bellingham SOLD OUT!!!!

I was at my job today (realestate/property management) when I received a call from a man asking if I had a home for sale under $250,000. I told him thatI had not. He then replied by saying that he could not find a home under this price anywhere in Bellingham. I was shocked, and excited. Could it be? The drudgery of a recession be finally over? I suggested to this man that he must be with the wrong agent, (in an attempt to bring him to the Dawn side). He assurred me that his agent was desperately trying to find him a home; and that he indeed could not obtain a home at this time for the price he wanted. How exciting! The $200,000 range of market is sold out. So next, is the 3's and then the 4's and so on. I had a glance at the computer with a snap shot view of the Whatcom market, and it appears that he is right!

In my opinion, Bellingham should be SOLD OUT at any price. The place is stunning. I often times compare it to Hawaii.

So, lets make this "sold out" sign an inidcator of the real estate market; maybe a dip down is inevietable for the winter months, but so is the bounce into spring like Tigger!

By the way, if you are on the other end of the spectrum and own a home that you can NOT afford to be in at this point, CALL ME, I will offer savy solutions, taylored to your specific needs! You DO NOT NEED TO THROW AWAY YOUR INVESTMENT! Don't do it!

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Friend of Mine.....

I know this man, (who I may name later) and he owns several properties around America. Some are 96 unit buildings, some are houses, and some are small buildings. I got around to asking him today, "How did you do it?" He told me that he never woke up one day and decided to be a property manager. He says,"it just happened." He is a seemingly stressed out man, who is taking on the world. He has financial success because he doesn't allow his business to be controlled by others, atleast until he meets someone who is dedicated, capable, and HUNGRY. My first impression of the man was,"Holy &^**(#, this guy needs a Pill, a spa and a long vacation. After a few more days of observing his manner, I realized that he deserves credit for being able to make it all appear so smooth on the outside when the truth is that he could possibly physically collapse in a second. I learned that I was irritated by his short sentences and lack of consideration until I realized that he was on a wave from the North Shore of Hawaii and was riding it to shore. I wouldn't be speaking in long sentences and would be abrupt if I was riding his wave too. I have a respect for this man and admire his undesirable charachteristics, because they are a reflection of his determination and unwillingness to get off the wave and ride the small ones....If I were his mother, I would be proud.

Friday, May 29, 2009

CASH from Uncle Sam!

According to USnews.com, President Obama, has tried even harder to make it easier for First time home buyers. Apparently, we can use the $8000.00 credit towards closing costs and a portion of down payment! Weeeeeeeeeee, free money! The federal government did this to stimulate the housing market. The National Association of Realtors reported that housing sales were up 2.9% for the month of April. Maybe now is a great time to start looking for a home. Interest rates are down and with free money in your hand after the purchase of a new home, I would buy too!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

AM Beach- unknown to many

Nesteled away in the woods, across from the Golf Club is a hidden treasure, AM Beach. I adore this beach for its crisp view of an island in the middle of the lake, and its powdery white sand amidst weeping trees that grace the surface of the waterery bliss. That was a mouthful, but I almost feel like I am satisfied after I leave this beach as compared to eating a full meal. I wish to describe it as though I were savouring every bite. I recommend this beach, however, I don't know if you need to be a Sudden Valley resident to see it. If not, just follow the signs off of Lake Whatcom blvd, in Gate 2 that say "AM/PM beaches." AM beach inherited its name because the sun is on it until around 1:30 pm, and then its time to walk a few steps to the PM beach. Literally, a few steps. You will most likely enjoy the "few steps" if you are welcomed by the local bunnies (not playboy bunnies gentlemen!) wild rabbits. AM beach is not a large beach, but I think that is what makes it that much more SPECIAL!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Construction under $225,000 in Everett

Okay yes, it is Everett. But, this new construction developement is close to I5 infact, it is on hwy 99. Named Camden, this brand spanking new, affordable developement offers fully customizable units for a minimum of $225,000 (USD for the canuck readers) 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms for the price of your rent. Ask me how to get in now, and I will work for you! Remember, if a real estate agent represents a buyer, it is NO cost to the buyer.

Obama donates 2 billion to Bellingham Mother!

Okay, he didn't actually, but how else am I going to get you to read about Bellingham....

I am really passionate about where I live, Sudden Valley (Bellingham) WA. If you read my bio you would know that I moved here from Seattle. I moved here for two reasons, I was stunned by the affordability in contrast with the lifestyle, and I was overwhelmed with Bellingham's Beauty. WOW! Bellingham is a place that I would compare to its cousin, Hawaii. Yes, you read it right, Hawaii! A few words to describe it- Pristine, green, natural, manicured, affordable, safe, animals, coffee!

I knew that I did not want to raise my two little girls in the city. So here we are. My favorite place that I will post about today is Whatcom Falls. It has two surprises along its trails. Firstly, when you enter the bridge to view the falls, you will be amazed by the crasing water on the rocks. I personally felt that it would be worth a flight just to see it, and was satisfied. Secondly, after a walk about 1/4 mile down the trail, there is a magical place with pottholes, and more waterfalls. Children jumping off the rocks into the surreal lagoon below. I will post photos for your viewing. Truly one more reason to live here.