Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Obama donates 2 billion to Bellingham Mother!

Okay, he didn't actually, but how else am I going to get you to read about Bellingham....

I am really passionate about where I live, Sudden Valley (Bellingham) WA. If you read my bio you would know that I moved here from Seattle. I moved here for two reasons, I was stunned by the affordability in contrast with the lifestyle, and I was overwhelmed with Bellingham's Beauty. WOW! Bellingham is a place that I would compare to its cousin, Hawaii. Yes, you read it right, Hawaii! A few words to describe it- Pristine, green, natural, manicured, affordable, safe, animals, coffee!

I knew that I did not want to raise my two little girls in the city. So here we are. My favorite place that I will post about today is Whatcom Falls. It has two surprises along its trails. Firstly, when you enter the bridge to view the falls, you will be amazed by the crasing water on the rocks. I personally felt that it would be worth a flight just to see it, and was satisfied. Secondly, after a walk about 1/4 mile down the trail, there is a magical place with pottholes, and more waterfalls. Children jumping off the rocks into the surreal lagoon below. I will post photos for your viewing. Truly one more reason to live here.

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