Friday, June 26, 2009

A Friend of Mine.....

I know this man, (who I may name later) and he owns several properties around America. Some are 96 unit buildings, some are houses, and some are small buildings. I got around to asking him today, "How did you do it?" He told me that he never woke up one day and decided to be a property manager. He says,"it just happened." He is a seemingly stressed out man, who is taking on the world. He has financial success because he doesn't allow his business to be controlled by others, atleast until he meets someone who is dedicated, capable, and HUNGRY. My first impression of the man was,"Holy &^**(#, this guy needs a Pill, a spa and a long vacation. After a few more days of observing his manner, I realized that he deserves credit for being able to make it all appear so smooth on the outside when the truth is that he could possibly physically collapse in a second. I learned that I was irritated by his short sentences and lack of consideration until I realized that he was on a wave from the North Shore of Hawaii and was riding it to shore. I wouldn't be speaking in long sentences and would be abrupt if I was riding his wave too. I have a respect for this man and admire his undesirable charachteristics, because they are a reflection of his determination and unwillingness to get off the wave and ride the small ones....If I were his mother, I would be proud.

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