Monday, August 17, 2009

Bellingham SOLD OUT!!!!

I was at my job today (realestate/property management) when I received a call from a man asking if I had a home for sale under $250,000. I told him thatI had not. He then replied by saying that he could not find a home under this price anywhere in Bellingham. I was shocked, and excited. Could it be? The drudgery of a recession be finally over? I suggested to this man that he must be with the wrong agent, (in an attempt to bring him to the Dawn side). He assurred me that his agent was desperately trying to find him a home; and that he indeed could not obtain a home at this time for the price he wanted. How exciting! The $200,000 range of market is sold out. So next, is the 3's and then the 4's and so on. I had a glance at the computer with a snap shot view of the Whatcom market, and it appears that he is right!

In my opinion, Bellingham should be SOLD OUT at any price. The place is stunning. I often times compare it to Hawaii.

So, lets make this "sold out" sign an inidcator of the real estate market; maybe a dip down is inevietable for the winter months, but so is the bounce into spring like Tigger!

By the way, if you are on the other end of the spectrum and own a home that you can NOT afford to be in at this point, CALL ME, I will offer savy solutions, taylored to your specific needs! You DO NOT NEED TO THROW AWAY YOUR INVESTMENT! Don't do it!